Saturday, August 1, 2009


As of Monday, Phil and I will have been home for 1 month. We are still in awe of things found in the US that we could not find in Taiwan. (Think sweet desserts that don't include red beans) We also have eaten hot pot once, found bubble tea (Boba if you are in California) and already visited a few Asian markets so that we think we are still in Taiwan at times. There are things that I miss, such as cheap hot pot, the teas, the fruit stands and the daily confusion found in the inability to speak Chinese. There also have been some changes as well:
  • I have a job. I am teaching freshman course at a high school in the area. These include Algebra 1 and Algebra 2.
  • Phil and I went to Texas where we ate Chuy's 3 times and El Gallo 2 times. hmmmm
  • We are trying to decide where to live. There are a few things we need to figure out first.
  • Phil's car works and we are working on getting mine on the road. (The tree hitting it wasn't as bad as we thought)
Phil and I had a blast in Taiwan and are glad that we took the opportunity to do this. We also saw God in so many ways. Here are some of the ways we saw Him:
  • A man was possessed by a demon and we heard the demons come out of him. The people who were there said that the only thing that got the demons out were the words, "In Jesus' name."
  • We saw God in the Chinese Language. If you want more information on this, look at the following videos. God of the Ancient Chinese
  • I had to teach Biology this past year and I saw Him in all of the things I taught. While the Biology book taught Evolution, it did not disqualify Creationism. Instead it said there is no way to prove God exists without having Him in the original equation. (You can also argue the opposite as well) I get Evolution and I can see how it is the only explanation there is if you do not believe in God. Because I believe in God, I see how this world came about without the holes created by evolution. See these videos for more info.
  • In the people we came in contact with on a daily basis.
  • In our students.
I am glad that we had this opportunity. Before we left, we passed out Steps to Christ in Chinese to several people who we came in contact with on a daily basis. (Tea lady in Yuchih, Fruit stand people, the lady who cut Phil's hair) If you could pray that these seeds grow, that would be amazing.

I also want to thank everyone for their prayers and support this past year. All I can say is Thanks.

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