Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our To Do List

We still have to:

1. Get Visitor Visa
2. Move out of apartment
3. Clean apartment
4. Determine what we need to live with for next year
5. Buy camera for Phil
6. Pack for Texas
7. Go to Texas
8. Buy gifts for weddings we are attending and not attending during August
9. Send gifts
10. Copy music cds to computer
11. Send info to
12. Get prescriptions
13. Get immunizations (Heather 2 more rounds, Phil begin)
14. Finish classes (Heather)
15. Organize folders
16. Change address

I probably will be adding to this list. I don't think anyone is reading this blog at the moment, but if you are, please pray for #1. It really is the only thing I am worried about at the moment.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why we are going

We have always wanted to do mission work. Let me rephrase that. I have always wanted to be a missionary. This past semester has been tough because we did not know where God wanted us next year and had no idea if Phil would even have a full time job. We began passing around the idea of doing mission work and began doing research. We at first felt that we should go to Korea, but when they could not tell us where exactly we would be placed for the full year we decided that God did not want us to be there. (I have diabetes and I needed to know where the local hospital was, etc) We also struck out everywhere we looked on the adventist volunteers site. We had contacted the principal of TAPA in Taipei who could not hire us, but said that he would pass our names on to his director to see if he would be interested in having us for just the year. We did not hear anything, though.

Phil and I gave God a deadline of a Friday to have a definite job so that I could let my job know on Tuesday of the next week if I would be returning there. When we did not hear anything on that Friday, Phil and I decided that God wanted us to stay in Massachusetts where I would continue teaching at my job and he would work part time at AUC. We were disapointed, but knew that God had it in control. On Monday, around 10:00 am, we got a phone call. It was from Taiwan and they were offering us the perfect job. It was everything we were looking for and, more importantly, it was a GUARANTEED job! We praise God for that! We know that it was not on our timeline of that Friday, but it still allowed me to quit my job on Tuesday! This is definitely one of the craziest, awesomest things we have ever done.