Monday, September 1, 2008

Good Eats (Sometimes)

Check out some of the food we've been eating...

This is a typical meal from the cafe. It works like this: if you don't recognize something, just be brave and try it!

I have no idea what this purple thing was, but I can tell you that it tasted even more disgusting than it looks.

Last Sabbath the college church had a potluck in our honor (all the American teachers). They hooked us up with some good stuff!

Overall, the food is not bad here. I've had things I absolutely love, and other stuff that was just plain gross. I haven't been craving my "normal" food too much yet. I'm sure that will come soon.
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Anonymous said...

the purple thing looks like eggplant, which i happen like a lot, but is not everyone's cup of tea. appreciate your bravery. keep it up! :)

Anonymous said...

I sure would not be as brave as you. I wonder what it smells like? Keep us posted on your wild aventures.
Ivette H.