Monday, April 20, 2009

First Impressions of Taiwan

My parents are coming this Thursday evening around 9:30 pm and I am absolutely excited about it! I want my parents to know what to expect, so here are some of our first pictures we took when we arrived in Taiwan.

These are the view from the airplane before the flight attendant told us to put our cameras away. Actually, he yelled something like "No cell phones. No MP3 players. No cameras..."

Not as exciting as Thailand's streets, at least color wise, but this is Taipei.

Typical (ugly) apartment building in Taipei.

A view of 2 parking lots. One is for cars (Top lot) and the bottom is for, you guessed it, scooters.

If you have spent a day with Phil, you know he likes original (gross) drinks. Here is an example.

We were hungry after getting fed multiple times on our way over from the states, so we were excited to find crackers with sea weed on them and, yep you guessed it, Ramen noodles in our hotel room. We were hoping that the picture on the front looked like chicken. Who knows...

We also can not wait for my parents to come so we can impress them with our amazing Chinese skills. We actually have been asking our students how to say a lot of things so my parents will think that we are fluent in Mandarin after only learning it for one year. (I can communicate on a pre-toddler level, at the moment, but that is only if I can use some English words. Just don't tell my parents.)


lmm said...

cool post

Anonymous said...

We are coming.